Purchase of oil
The purchase of oil is a solution to one of the most polluting waste that exists, properly extracted and stored can be fully valued for recycling, we buy vegetable oil and motor oil.
- For every 3 liters of used oil you get 2 liters of new oil, while to get the same amount of oil from the first refining of the oil we need about 140 liters.
- 70% of these used oils are treated to extract new lubricating bases.
- The remaining 30% is used as industrial fuel.
In Supraciclaje we take advantage of the qualities of the oil thanks to our integral infrastructure that starts in the collection of its residues of vegetable oil and motor oil in the place that is indicated to us, until the final processing and recycling.
The used oil can also be used as fuel for industrial use similar to fuel oil, in thermal power plants of cogeneration, in cement, bins, ovens, marine equipment, among many industrial processes. If your company becomes familiar with these processes you can find a great profit in saving recycled residual matter by hiring our oil collection and purchasing service.
In Supraciclaje we are also aware of the processes of recycling at the industrial level to process and transform the fight against climate change, since the CO2 emissions resulting from the manufacture of lubricants from waste oils are 40% lower than those produced in the first oil refining.
Why consider implementing purchase of oil recycling in my company?
The used oil thrown by the sewer arrives at the rivers and produces an impermeable film that prevents the adequate oxygenation and that can asphyxia to the living beings that inhabit there. Uncontrolled dumping of used oil not only damages surface water (rivers and seas) but also underground water, seriously compromising soil fertility, as its biological and chemical activity would be affected. More and more companies are choosing alternatives and environmentally friendly methods for their industry. You also have your company benefit from the purchase of oil by joining this trend in recycling.